Women Travellers

As a woman traveler, it is essential to be well-informed and prepared for the unique considerations that may arise during your international journeys. One crucial aspect is understanding the legal framework of your destination country. Each country/region has its own laws and regulations that you should be aware of to ensure compliance and avoid any unintended violations. Researching and learning about the local legal system, including laws related to safety, personal rights, and gender equality can give you some ideas before deciding where to go and during your departure preparation.

In addition to legal aspects, it is also important to be aware of the social customs and gender norms of the places you plan to visit. Cultural norms regarding gender roles and behavior can vary widely from one country to another. Familiarizing yourself with and understanding the social expectations and practices will help you navigate the local culture respectfully and confidently. This knowledge will also enable you to make informed decisions about your behavior and clothing choices while respecting the local customs and traditions.

To further assist you in your travels, seek advice and resources that provide detailed information on various aspects relevant to women travelers. Take advantage of available resources, consult with advisors, and connect with other women travelers who have also travelled abroad. Look for guidance on legal considerations, including women's rights, safety, and consent laws in your interested destination. Cultural resources can offer insights into local customs, etiquette, and practices that may affect women differently. It is also crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being by accessing information on security measures, healthcare resources, and emergency contact information specific to women travelers.

Questions to think about when preparing and planning

  • What are the safety considerations for the potential destinations that I am interested in visiting? Are there any travel advisories or precautions I should be aware of as a woman traveller?
  • What is the overall safety situation for women at the destination? Are there any specific areas or places I should avoid, especially when going out alone or at night?
  • Are there gender-related restrictions or cultural practices that may affect my experience? How can I effectively address them?
  • What are the cultural expectations and norms regarding behavior for women and men (e.g., dress style)? Am I able to navigate and adhere to these expectations while maintaining my personal values and boundaries?
  • How might my daily activities need to be adjusted to remain safe and respectful of local cultural norms?
  • How do men treat women there? Are there any gendered power imbalances that I should be mindful of?
  • If I encounter something offensive while abroad, how should I react? If men stare and harass me while I walk down the street, what should I do? How do I ensure my safety?
  • What forms of transportation are considered safe and reliable for women travellers in my host country?
  • What are the cultural norms and attitudes towards friendship and dating?
  • Can I access birth control, condoms, or other contraceptives at the destination? Are there any specific regulations or cultural factors that may affect access to reproductive health or women’s healthcare resources?
  • Will I be able to find feminine care products that I usually access while abroad? Are there any considerations related to the accessibility of feminine hygiene products?
  • What housing options are available? What security features are offered? Can I stay in women only dormitories? Are there locks on doors and windows?

Tips to consider while abroad

  • Safety precautions: Familiarize yourself with safety guidelines and recommendations for your destination. Research areas that may have higher crime rates and take precautions accordingly. Share your itinerary and contact information with trusted individuals back home. Try to avoid going out alone, especially at night. If you feel uncomfortable or unsafe in any situation, try to leave and seek assistance from trusted individuals or authorities.
  • Respect local customs and traditions (safety first!): Be mindful of your behavior and interactions and make an effort to understand and appreciate the local way of life. Including dress and attire – dressing modestly, when required or appropriate, can help you blend in and avoid unwanted attention.
  • Healthcare access: Research and understand the healthcare system in the host country. Familiarize yourself with the availability of women’s health services and access to contraceptives, if needed. Carry necessary medications and contact the foreign government office accredited to Canada of the country you plan to visit to confirm the status of your medications in that country. Create a plan in place for seeking medical assistance if required.
  • Stay informed: Keep yourself updated on any travel advisories, safety alerts, or cultural sensitivities related to your destination. Stay informed about local laws and regulations, especially regarding women’s rights and gender-related issues. Learn the procedures for reporting any incidents of harassment, assault, or discrimination, and seek appropriate help if you encounter such situations.