Penguin colony on Boulders Beach, Cape Town, South Africa


Courses for 2025 Summer

You can complete a full-year University of Toronto undergraduate degree credit course in 4 weeks. Explore the diverse courses available through Summer Abroad!

All classes taught in English (except language courses).

Note: Course codes and titles are subject to change. 

  Code   Course Title Summer Abroad Program (Destination)
CAR332Y0 Caribbean Culture and Environment: Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
CIN378Y0 Aspects of a National Cinema: Black Britain  Oxford, England
CSC396Y0 Designing Systems for Real World Problems Germany
CRI389Y0 Rights, Freedoms and Responsibilities in Criminal Law: Historical Origins and New Directions in England and Canada Oxford, England

Topics in Criminology and Sociolegal Studies Abroad

Tours, France
CRI389Y0 Current Issues in International Criminology Italy
EAS395Y0 Topics in East Asian Studies Hong Kong
ENG297Y0 Topics in English Literature: Creative Writing in Italy Italy
ENV395Y0 Field Course: The ‘Enchanted Isles’ - Ecology, Geography and History on the Galápagos Islands Ecuador
FAH391Y0 Greek and Roman Art and its Reception in France Paris, France
FAH393Y0 Studies Abroad in Renaissance and Baroque Art and Architecture Paris, France
FAH394Y0 Studies Abroad in Modern and Contemporary Art and Architecture  Italy
FCS369Y0 The Culture of Touraine Tours, France


French language courses at various levels

(FSL100H0; FSL102H0; FSL195Y0; FSL295Y0; FSL322H0; FSL420H0; FSL442H0; FSL443H0)

Tours, France
GER354Y0 Special Topics: Berlin Roots Germany
HIS389Y0 Britain at War, 1914-1945 Oxford, England
HMB395Y0 Field course: Global Migration & Health Mexico
HMB396Y0 Science Abroad: International Research Project in Human Biology Shandong, China
HMB396Y0 Science Abroad: International Research Project in Human Biology Taiwan
IRE332Y0 Topics in Industrial Relations and Human Resources Oxford, England
IRE332Y0 Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Resolving Workplace Conflict Japan


Rise of China as a Global Power Singapore
MGT395Y0 Business Modeling and Global Organizations South Korea
MGT396Y0 Inclusive Consulting with Micro-Enterprises South Africa
PHY396Y0 Science Abroad International Research Project in Physics Switzerland
POL300Y0 Modern Greek Culture: People, Tradition, Language and Cuisine Greece

Portuguese language courses at various levels

(PRT100Y0; PRT220Y0; PRT320Y0)

PSY306Y0 Special Topics in Psychology Abroad: Disability: Culture and Inclusion Oxford, England
RLG290Y0 Special Topics: Religion in Hong Kong Hong Kong
SPA***Y0 Spanish language courses at various levels Spain
SOC393Y0 Selected Topics in Sociological Research Beijing, China
URB431Y0 Field course: Urban Justice in the Global South India
VIS327Y0 Summer Studio Abroad Hong Kong

 All courses, except for the language courses, are taught in English.

Language courses: FSL***Y (France); PRT***Y0 (Portugal), SPA***Y0