By Andrea Kanargelidis
Hi! My name is Andrea Kanargelidis, and I am an upcoming third-year student at UofT, with a double major in Sociology and European Affairs. One thing that may be surprising to learn about me is that I'm a foodie, and I love trying new foods and finding new recipes to cook.
A Particularly Memorable Experience
A particularly memorable experience from my Summer Abroad was visiting the Temple of Poseidon on Cape Sounion and watching one of the most beautiful sunsets I've ever seen. Visiting the temple was my favourite field trip as the archaeological sight is breathtaking, yet being in the area with the other students enhanced the experience even more. Specifically, when we first arrived in the area, we were given free time, which allowed us to spend time on the beach, swimming in the water with a beautiful view overlooking the temple while socializing and bonding with other students. This experience stood out to me as I felt more connected to the rest of the students while happy and excited to be in the presence of such a beautiful monument of Ancient Greek history.
Personal Growth and Development
The Summer Abroad program contributed to my personal growth and development as it taught me how to be more independent and look after myself, as I was living in a new environment for four weeks. With this program, I had to understand the importance of looking after myself and prioritizing my well-being, such as ensuring I attended all the classes and stayed on top of my school work while balancing that with my social life. While living in Greece, I had to adapt to the social environment and get used to doing things on my own, whether shopping for groceries, doing my laundry, or simply walking to class. Additionally, I pushed my boundaries in getting myself out there more by reaching out to my peers on the trip so we could get together, whether for dinner or more, to appreciate the experience's social aspect truly. With that said, this program gave me the skills to hone my personal strengths and become a better, more mature and responsible version of myself who is capable of living in a foreign country for weeks at a time.
Advice for Future Summer Abroad Students
My advice to prospective Summer Abroad students is to enjoy every minute of the program, especially by participating in every activity and attending all the classes. The classes and field trips gave me newfound knowledge and respect for Greece, allowing me to appreciate my course and its location truly. It is essential to participate in all the classes and field trips so that you can take in all the information offered in a fun way while bonding with the other students in a new cultural environment. Specifically, POL300 provided students with various activities to participate in and learn from, from learning Greek dances to making animal-shaped bread at the European Bread Museum to climbing up ancient ruins. Trust me, the memories you make on this trip will last a lifetime, and you don't want to miss out on all the fun the program offers.