Reminiscing on a Summer in France

Photo of a French Chateau in Spring
May 27, 2020

"Recently, a student in my French History class from summer 2019 posted a similar video montage reflecting back on our month in Tours, France. A month from when I write this will have been one full year since we departed for France, and sitting here in self-quarantine makes it feel so much further away.

 My favourite part of the experience were the things that I didn’t plan for before going; sites I didn’t know about until a friend dragged me with her on a bus or a train re-routing from the heatwave and taking us far past our destination were the memories that would stay with me for the rest of my life. 

If you ever get the chance to study abroad, remember to reflect on everything as it’s happening. It will be over before you’re ready, so experience as much as you can. Summer Abroad made so many amazing experiences for all of us, and I hope travel programs will be running again soon."

- Jaden Bardens, Summer Abroad 2019 Participant