Featured Staff: Genevieve Steidman, Program Coordinator


Genevieve has been with Summer Abroad for many years, having started here shortly after completing graduate school. “I knew I wanted to work at U of T and was fortunate to find a role at Summer Abroad that fit so well with my goals. Coordinating programs that are truly life-changing for students, and helping them along in the process from start to finish is very satisfying. And it’s fun work! I get to spend a lot of my time talking about the incredible experiences that our students have had and encouraging others to take that step as well”.

When asked what advice she would give to a student thinking about a participating in a Summer Abroad program, she says “It’s very exciting to think about doing a Summer Abroad, but it’s something that should be given a lot of consideration as well. It’s best to start researching programs early – even a year or two in advance. You really want to make sure you’ve looked at your funding options, academic choices, and your personal comfort level carefully. Because yes, our programs are a lot of fun - but they do come with challenges as well. So start planning early and as we always say . . . do your research!”

One of the most rewarding things for Genevieve has been witnessing the incredible expansion of Summer Abroad over the years. “When I started there were only two programs – Italy and Hong Kong. And now we have 18 programs in 14 different countries! It’s been so interesting and rewarding to be a part of that evolution.”

 Genevieve has a Master of Arts (Musicology) from Western University and a Bachelor of Music (History & Culture) from U of T.

Connect with Genevieve Steidman, Program Coordinator at summer.abroad@utoronto.ca.